Broadband Light (BBL®) Photorejuventation
Broadband Light Phototherapy (BBL) is one of the strongest brands of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), which is used for noninvasive cosmetic skin rejuvenation procedures. Unlike lasers which only uses single wavelength, BBL uses the principle of “selective photo-thermolysis” depending on which filter is selected to treat different skin conditions associated with aging, active life-styles and sun damage.
How Does It Work?
Because different colors and tissue components absorb different wavelengths of light, different filters can be used to target different unwanted skin components such as pigment (age spots, hair), blood vessels and blemishes. This filtered light of high intensity will selectively heat and destroy the targeted components without burning the surrounding skin, removing the unwanted components. This process also triggers healing mechanisms in skin, stimulating collagen production.
Treatment Areas and Applications
It is commonly used for the following applications:
- Treatment of Acne
- Treatment of hyperpigmentation
- Treatment of benign pigmented lesions, such as freckles, age spots (sun spots)
- Unwanted blood vessels, such as cherry & spider angiomas, telangiectasias little visible vessels), and rosacea
- Collagen stimulation
- Hair removal
These treatments trigger healing mechanisms in skin, with an increase in collagen production. As a result, we usually see a more uniform skin color and tone, tighter skin pores, and a reduction of fine lines.
Benefits and Reproducible Results of BBL
Patients should be able to obtain the following results following your customized treatment plan and schedule:
- Fine vessels reduction that cause redness and unwanted melanin responsible for pigmented lesions
- Improved skin tones and colours
- Collagen simulation that makes your skin smoother, vibrant and younger looking – a youthful appearance as a result
- Less noticeable wrinkles and pores
- Fading uneven pigmentation
- Hair reduction in targeted areas
The BBL Photorejuventation Experience at Medical Spa Club: