Vaginal Rejuvenation – Why and How?

What is Vaginal Rejuvenation and Vaginal Laxity?

Vaginal Laxity, also known as looseness in the vagina, is more common than you think. In a survey reported in British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of over four hundred women who had vaginal deliveries, nearly half reported some level of concern with vaginal looseness, or which is known as vaginal laxity. Women who experience this loss of tightness of vaginal opening also reported a decreased sensation and sexual satisfaction during intercourse.

Another side effect of vaginal laxity is the prolapse of urinary bladder through the anterior vaginal wall, also known as Cystocele, which occurs due to diminished tissue support. This lowering of the bladder interferes with one’s ability to hold urine, resulting in loss of urine with coughing, sneezing, laughing, and physical exercise.

As many as 3.3 million Canadians, nearly 10% of the population experience some form of urinary incontinence (UI). Unfortunately, many people do not talk to their health care provider about their symptoms. Vaginal rejuvenation consists of treatments that can help treat these problems.

“Vaginal Laxity is the #1 reported post-delivery physical change for women.”
– Paul Pinkhasik M.D., FCSPh.


What is “stress” urinary incontinence and how is it developed?

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is defined as accidental leakage of urine during physical activities such as sneezing, coughing, laughing, lifting or exercising.

As the urinary bladder falls back and pushes through the vaginal wall, urethra (the outlet of the bladder) becomes distorted, making it more difficult to control the urethral sphincter and hold the urine. This results in accidental losses of urine with sneezing, coughing, laughing, and sports activities; in other words, when the bladder is stressed. This phenomenon is called “stress urinary incontinence”, or SUI.

This condition can affect women physically and psychologically.


  • Feeling “looseness”
  • Diminished sensation during intercourse
  • Reduction in sexual satisfaction and overall sexual well-being
  • SUI and Vaginal Atrophy


  • Reduction in desire for sex
  • Lower inner confidence and self sexuality
  • Negative change in body image
  • Negative impact on relationships
  • Deterioration in quality of life


What Treatments for Vaginal Laxity are Available?

Traditionally, surgical vaginoplasty has been used to tighten the stretched out vaginal muscles. Surgical treatment carries with it all the risks and down time of surgery. In recent years, new treatments have been developed. These new treatments employ radio frequency and laser technologies, and cause tightening of vaginal muscles through collagen remodeling. These treatments are effective, safe, and painless.

There are several new treatments available for vaginal laxity, which include the use of radio frequency and laser technology. All of these treatments stimulate collagen remodeling and tissue regeneration and rejuvenation.

Lasers: Lasers (CO2 and Erbium) have a more superficial effect which helps restore mucosa and the ability of vagina to produce its’ lubricating mucus.

Radio Frequency (RF): RF technologies produce an effect that reaches deeper into the vaginal walls, muscle layers, stimulating collagen production and regenerative effects which result in significant tightening of vaginal muscles. The most effect of the available RF treatments is Viveve.

The Viveve Treatment is given using a monopolar radio frequency device that rebuilds natural collagen. This treatment emits cryogen-cooling to protect the tissue and radiofrequency waves to heat the tissue. This prompts production of new collagen to reinvigorate the tissue.


Are RF (Radio Frequency) and Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatments Suitable for Every One?

The answer to this question depends on the degree of vaginal laxity that has developed. This can be easily evaluated during a physical examination at your doctor’s office by assessing the grade to which your cystocele may have progressed. If cystocele is allowed to become severe, as in Grade 3 prolapse, then surgical intervention is likely unavoidable. However, if cystocele is not severe, as in grade 1 or somewhere between grade 1 and 2, then using Radio Frequency technology to tighten vaginal tissues and improve sensation, as well as improve SUI, can be very effective.

Thus, if you address the problem before it becomes severe, than a safe and painless 30 minute non-surgical procedure can effectively improve vagina tightness and sexual satisfaction, and stop or improve stress urinary incontinence. The bottom line is not to neglect the problem until it progresses to a severe stage.


Just remember, sex may change after child birth. How it feels, doesn’t have to.

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